Step 1. Buy

Buy the Master Sigma Trading System

Purchase the 12-month subscription of the MΣT System. For pricing and availability of lifetime access to the MΣT System, contact us for details.

Step 1. Buy

Step 2. Connect

Connect to your TradingView account.

Create a free or paid account at and record your TradingView username. Then provide us with your TradingView username. You will then receive the indicators in your invite-only scripts folder on TradingView. If you are having issues with connecting, visit our Contact page.

Step 2. Connect

Step 3. Join

Join the community on Discord.

We host our own online community on Discord. Create an account over at and enable phone verification.

Step 3. Join

Step 4. Explore

Take your time to get to know the interface of the MΣT System.

View your favorite trading instruments using the MΣT Trading System under different timeframes and become familiar with the interface.

Step 4. Explore